Promoting improved Agriculture Land Management Practices across Australia


This is to bring to your attention that Carbon Friendly Pty Ltd is acting as the project proponent for the grouped project titled "Ground-Truth Australian Orchards" (VCS ID 4118). The project involves the implementation of a combination of project activities, including application of organic materials and mulch to reduce the reliance on synthetic fertilisers and to improve soil health; cover cropping and inter-row biomass generation; establishment of permanent tree crops; improved water management; and others.

Carbon Friendly Pty Ltd has joined forces with several landholders to act as an Implementation Partners in executing these project activities. The primary objective of this project is to achieve significant greenhouse gas emission reductions and removals. As a result of these efforts, Verified Carbon Units (VCUs) may be generated. These VCUs will be claimed by Carbon Friendly Pty Ltd under VERRA (formerly known as the Verified Carbon Standard) as carbon credits for their commitment to sustainability.

These carbon credits will be distributed to the Project Implementation Partner. The issuance of carbon credits is essential in acknowledging and rewarding the efforts of all involved parties in contributing to environmental sustainability. The purpose of this public notice is to provide transparency about the Ground Truth Australian Orchards project and its carbon credit claims. We strive to engage all stakeholders in this journey towards a greener future and seek your support and cooperation.

For any inquiries or further information about the project, please feel free to contact us at: